Monday, September 12, 2005

Like Stink on ____

It looks like the media's spine is continuing to stiffen. Paul Krugman of the New York Times jumps on the very same issue we addressed here on Saturday. While Krugman's article points out the obvious facts, I believe there is still a long way to go before we discover the true extent of the damage that this administration has done to Federal agencies, the Pentagon and thousands of private sector support organizations.

The simple fact is that these people came into power with the plan of massive tax cuts with the goal of "drowning" the federal government. They have done exactly what they set out to do and it is just pitiful to see so many Deep Red State folks now looking around and saying "We don't want this." A good friend of mine who still has family living in the little West Texas town where we went to school told me this morning that his family has had it with the Republicans. These are the real "Base" of the Republican party but they have finally had enough.

The real question in my mind is why isn't the POTUS screaming for more tax cuts right now? If the rationale he gave for the original tax cuts made any sense at all (which they don't) then now would be the perfect time for a second round of massive tax cuts for the top one percent. I'm not talking about extending the current cuts but fresh, new cuts that will really "stimulate the economy". Somehow, I doubt you will hear this request out his mouth but the question remains, WHY NOT? Either they believe in their Supply Side Voodoo poopoo or they don't. In Texas speak, "Folks, it's time for the Republicans to shit or get off the pot.


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