Thursday, September 22, 2005

A funny thing happened on my way

Time, the unforgiving fourth dimension, has a funny way of changing your perspective as you travel through it. It's amazing how Einstein's theory of relativity applies to life. When I ponder the question of who I am, I'm never quite sure because "I" is a work in progress. The question requires that I attempt to determine who I am at any given moment by summarizing who I was in the past but it leaves no room for the unknown - who I will be in the future. When I was "younger" I thought of myself as a conservative and was proud to be Mexican. As I have aged I've come to realize that while half of my family is Mexican in origins, it is not a true representation of who I am, the culture in which I was raised or who I have become. It is nevertheless a part of where I come from. Along the same lines, I considered myself conservative of many years but for the last ten years I've considered myself liberal. However, just as being "Mexican" doesn't completely fit who I am, the labels "conservative" or "liberal" fail to completely sum my beliefs.

I realize this is tedious reading (if anyone is out there) but bear with me.

The labels, "liberal" and "conservative", have become synonymous with equal and opposite negatives with each side viewing themselves as absolutely right and the other as absolutely wrong. This split is as old as civilization, so far as I can tell, and has been addressed by far more advanced minds than my own. However, we live in an age in which ideas, words, and actions can been seen and distributed around the world instantaneously. Perhaps the mass and instant dissemination of information will allow us to over come this addiction to being "right" and concentrate on being better. I'm not holding my breath.

I have always defined "Conservative" as a philosophy which suggests that each person is personally and solely responsible for himself. A belief that society does not owe any specific person any special help or assistance. The idea of "personal responsibility", based on this philosophy, applies to each person regardless of age, sex, race, nationality, or physical limitation, with exceptions being made for those incapable of caring for themselves. From this basic idea has sprung the traditional tenets of conservatism: Small government, low tax rates, few regulations, strong pro business leanings, strict adherence to the U.S. Constitution and a healthy respect for the Federalist system of government.

Along the same train of thought I have and still define "Liberal" as a philosophy which suggests that society can and should perform many basic functions and provide support to the members of society, regardless of ability but with special consideration being given to various "deserving" sectors within the society. The idea being that society can and should provide help to any member of society despite an individual's poor decision making or mistakes. Likewise, this philosophy has lead to today's basic tenets of Liberalism: A social safety net, regulation of business and behavior, larger government roles in society, support for "labor" over business and a more flexible view of the role of the federal government in "State" affairs.

The dilemma I face in analyzing myself is that I am constantly at odds with the rhetoric heaped on me from the so called "Conservatives" and "Liberals". Both of these "groups" are represented by talking heads that insult my intelligence daily with circular arguments, bad logic, and worst of all - the straight, plain to see, bald-face lie. It is so depressing. The talking points are tossed around everywhere but mean nothing and representing nothing. I wish I knew the truth. I wish a politician would stand up and say "Things are messed up right now. They are messed up because we are spoiled little kids and the only way to fix this is to come together, work together, pull it together and act like adults". Would that be so difficult?

The one thing I am completely sure of is that neither party deserves the mantels they have chosen to identify themselves with. The Republican party has abandoned the conservative philosophy, despite their spin, likewise; the Democratic party has abandoned the liberal philosophy, despite all their talk. Both parties are in the pocket of big business and perhaps they always have been. I do not believe a word any of them say... I have no faith in our system. Because the Republicans are in complete power today it is easy to take shots at their open hypocrisy and lies but the Democrats are no better.

I recall a quote, some place or another, and I apologize for not recalling who to credit but the gist of the quote is "There is no limit to what a single man can accomplish, so long as he doesn't care who gets credit". Every..... Single..... Day..... I have to deal with and watch people who are more interested in getting credit than they are in doing what is right or doing what needs to be done.

"Liberals" - give "Conservatives" a chance, believe it or not, some of the conservative ideas and tenets are good and well founded. "Conservatives" - give "Liberals" a chance, many liberal ideas make a lot of sense and are necessary in todays world. Compromise. Winning political battles at the expense of destroying our country is just not worth it.

I am no longer content to being labeled Conservative or Liberal I am simply what I have become, a revolutionary. I feel a bit humble claiming such a title but then again this country was founded and made great by revolutionaries and I believe it is time to return to our roots.

A funny thing happened on my way to life.


Blogger DAVE BONES said...

Nice one. You are talking my language. Your stated mission is essential stuff. Good luck!

10:45 AM  
Blogger Cassie said...

Perhaps the mass and instant dissemination of information will allow us to over come this addiction to being "right" and concentrate on being better. I'm not holding my breath.

I am holding my breath... it's gotta happen some day.

4:31 PM  

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