Sunday, March 26, 2006


Immigration is once again on the front burner of political inaction as Republicans run from their record over the last six years and search for an issue to run on in 2006. Their is nothing new about this strategy as immigration bashing is a tried and true method to scare the "homeland" into voting against immigrants. Historically this is a slam dunk political move as immigrants have no political sway, cannot vote, and are easily characterized as unknown villians. Yesterday, this political stunt ran into a huge brick immigrant wall. In Los Angeles, 500,000 people marched in support of immigrants. The march in Los Angeles was mirrored, albeit in smaller numbers, by marches in many major cities in the US and follows a massive demonstration in Chicago. Politicians are loath to lose their political positions the group in power has proven repeatedly that they are willing to sell out every principle their party stands for in order to protect their asses. Prediction - immigration bill goes down in flames and disappears just like vouchers and social security reform. Despite the political babbling, there is clearly a need to have a clear and concise immigration policy and not just in reference to our friends to the South.

I believe that there are deeper problems at issue in this debate other than the simplistic "their illegal and therefore wrong" argument we are hearing a lot of these days. The economic, social and political ramifications of immigration are far more complex and important to be dismissed so easily. I have no numbers or studies to support my thoughts on these issues but I do believe that most of these ideas and thoughts are self evident with a bit of logic.


America is in the process of slowly bleeding low skill low cost jobs that have been the economic life line of the lower to lower middle classes of America since WW II. Our current economic system relies on on tariffs and subsidies to remain competitive in the world market. While other countries also rely on these methods, they do so openly and without the propoganda which floods Americans on a daily basis. Illegal immigrants are an economic buffer between the US and the rest of the world (ROW). The average American does not earn enough money to afford the level of comfort that we currently enjoy.

I will finish calls

This has been beat to death and no need for another comment by yet another idiot blogger. I will however repeat my prediction that regardless of what laws are passed the status quo will prevail.


Blogger Pure Bliss said...

Thanks for the comment. I didn't actually think anyone would leave a comment. I'll make sure I try to take your advice.

12:13 AM  

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